Generic N-Dim
R-Tree Explorations

or how I learned to calm the hyperspatial index

Dave Rostron@yastero

Feb 17, 2015

All our wisdom is stored in the trees.

— Santosh Kalwar

opening notes

  • this is not complete
  • more of a chance to dig into shapeless than look in depth at R-Trees (at least initially)
  • just having some fun, please join me

exploration inspiration

“Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann (recommended)

how do we find the needle in the haystack?

  • could scan through the whole stack
  • maybe there’s something faster
  • B-Tree to the rescue

wait, we want to index our data over multiple dimensions

  • could get part of the way there with a B-Tree but what about a range query over both dimensions?
  • R-Tree to the rescue

R-Tree Overview

  • spatial n-dimensional index
  • variants: M-Tree, X-Tree, Hilbert R-tree
  • sounds useful, tell us more…

how bout some code

trait Data2D {
  case class Point[T](x: T, y: T)
  case class Entry[V, T](value: V, point: Point[T])
  case class Box[T](xLower: T, xUpper: T, yLower: T, yUpper: T) // inclusive
  sealed trait RTree[V, T]
  case class Empty[V, T]() extends RTree[V, T]
  case class Leaf[V, T](entry: Entry[V, T]) extends RTree[V, T]
  case class Node[V, T](
    box: Box[T], left: RTree[V, T], right: RTree[V, T])
    extends RTree[V, T]

object data2D extends Data2D
import data2D._, spire._, algebra._

trait Ops2D {
  def initBox[T : Order](point1: Point[T], point2: Point[T]): Box[T]
  def expandBox[T : Order](box: Box[T], point: Point[T]): Box[T]
  def expandBox[T : Order](box1: Box[T], box2: Box[T]): Box[T]
  def withinBox[T : Order](box: Box[T], point: Point[T]): Boolean
  def overlaps[T : Order](box1: Box[T], box2: Box[T]): Boolean
  def add[V, T](rtree: RTree[V, T], entry: Entry[V, T]): RTree[V, T]
  def remove[V, T](rtree: RTree[V, T], entry: Entry[V, T]): RTree[V, T]
  def find[V, T](rtree: RTree[V, T], point: Point[T]): Option[Entry[V, T]]
  def contains[V, T](rtree: RTree[V, T], entry: Entry[V, T]): Boolean
  def search[V, T](space: Box[T]): List[Entry[V, T]]

what if we have more than 2 dimensions?

trait DataDynamicNDim {
  case class Point[T](terms: List[T])
  case class Entry[V, T](value: V, point: Point[T])
  case class Box[T](lowerBounds: List[T], upperBounds: List[T])
  sealed trait RTree[V, T]
  case class Empty[V, T]() extends RTree[V, T]
  case class Leaf[V, T](entry: Entry[V, T]) extends RTree[V, T]
  case class Node[V, T](
    box: Box[T], left: RTree[V, T], right: RTree[V, T])
    extends RTree[V, T]

Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops, farm boy. Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova, and that’d end your trip real quick, wouldn’t it?

— Han Solo, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

I hear type systems perform calculations

and support a class of constraints

there’s a library that explores this space

shapeless : supercharged generic coding

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water.

— Bruce Lee

let’s build a well typed Generic N-Dim R-Tree

shapeless Sized

import shapeless._, ops.nat._

trait DataSizedNDim {
  case class Point[T, N <: Nat](terms: Sized[Seq[T], N])
  case class Entry[V, T, N <: Nat](value: V, point: Point[T, N])
  case class Interval[T](l: T, u: T)
  case class Box[T, N <: Nat](intervals: Sized[Seq[Interval[T]], N])
  sealed trait RTree[T, N <: Nat]
  case class Leaf[T, N <: Nat](point: Point[T, N]) extends RTree[T, N]
  case class Node[T, N <: Nat](
    bound: Box[T, N], left: RTree[T, N], right: RTree[T, N])
    extends RTree[T, N]

perhaps, what if we want heterogeneous types for our dimensions?

shapeless HList

trait DataHListNDim {
  case class Point[T <: HList](terms: T)
  case class Entry[V, T <: HList](value: V, point: Point[T])
  case class Box[T <: HList](lowerBounds: T, upperBounds: T) // inclusive
  sealed trait RTree[V, T <: HList]
  case class Empty[V, T <: HList]() extends RTree[V, T]
  case class Leaf[V, T <: HList](entry: Entry[V, T]) extends RTree[V, T]
  case class Node[V, T <: HList](
    box: Box[T], left: RTree[V, T], right: RTree[V, T])
    extends RTree[V, T]

object dataHListNDim extends DataHListNDim

looks promising

note: intentionally postponed a few items

  • balancing
  • splitting
  • performance
  • heterogeneous distance function (similarity)
import dataHListNDim._, shapeless.ops.hlist._

import spire.math.{ min, max }, spire.implicits.{eqOps => _, _}

trait OpsHListFunctions {
  object minimum extends Poly2 {
    implicit def default[T : Order] = at[T, T](implicitly[Order[T]].min)
  object maximum extends Poly2 {
    implicit def default[T : Order] = at[T, T](implicitly[Order[T]].max)
  object lte extends Poly2 {
    implicit def default[T : Order] = at[T, T](_ <= _)
  object gte extends Poly2 {
    implicit def default[T : Order] = at[T, T](_ >= _)
  object and extends Poly2 {
    implicit def caseBoolean = at[Boolean, Boolean](_ && _)
trait OpsHListTypes { self: OpsHListFunctions =>
  type ZWMin[T <: HList] = ZipWith.Aux[T, T, minimum.type, T]
  type ZWMax[T <: HList] = ZipWith.Aux[T, T, maximum.type, T]
  type ZWLB[T <: HList] = {
    type λ[U <: HList] = ZipWith.Aux[T, T, lte.type, U]
  type ZWUB[T <: HList] = {
    type λ[U <: HList] = ZipWith.Aux[T, T, gte.type, U]
  type LFLB[T <: HList] = {
    type λ[U <: HList] =
        ZipWith.Aux[T, T, lte.type, U]#Out,
  type LFUB[T <: HList] = {
    type λ[U <: HList] =
        ZipWith.Aux[T, T, gte.type, U]#Out,
trait OpsHList extends OpsHListFunctions with OpsHListTypes {
  def initBox
    [T <: HList : ZWMin : ZWMax]
    (point1: Point[T], point2: Point[T])
    : Box[T] = Box(
  def expandBox
    [T <: HList : ZWMin : ZWMax]
    (box: Box[T], point: Point[T])
    : Box[T] = Box(
  def withinBox
    [T <: HList, L <: HList : ZWLB[T]#λ : LFLB[T]#λ, U <: HList : ZWUB[T]#λ : LFUB[T]#λ]
    (box: Box[T], point: Point[T])
    : Boolean =
    box.lowerBounds.zipWith(point.terms)(lte).foldLeft(true)(and) &&
  def overlaps
    [T <: HList, L <: HList : ZWLB[T]#λ : LFLB[T]#λ, U <: HList : ZWUB[T]#λ : LFUB[T]#λ]
    (box1: Box[T], box2: Box[T])
    : Boolean =
    box1.lowerBounds.zipWith(box2.upperBounds)(lte).foldLeft(true)(and) &&

incomplete implementation for for sake of brevity

still with me? good, let’s speed this up a bit.

import ndimrtree._, NDimRTree._
scala> val b1 = initBox(Point(1 :: HNil), Point(3 :: HNil))
b1: ndimrtree.Box[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.HNil]] = Box(1 :: HNil,3 :: HNil)

scala> val b2 = initBox(Point(2 :: HNil), Point(4 :: HNil))
b2: ndimrtree.Box[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.HNil]] = Box(2 :: HNil,4 :: HNil)

scala> val b3 = initBox(Point("a" :: HNil), Point("z" :: HNil))
b3: ndimrtree.Box[shapeless.::[String,shapeless.HNil]] = Box(a :: HNil,z :: HNil)

scala> import shapeless.test._
import shapeless.test._

scala> illTyped("""
     | initBox(Point(1 :: HNil), Point("a" :: HNil))
     | """)

scala> expandBox(b1, b2)
res1: ndimrtree.Box[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.HNil]] = Box(1 :: HNil,4 :: HNil)

scala> illTyped("""
     | expandBox(b1, b3)
     | """)

scala> val t1: RTree[String, Int :: Double :: HNil] = RTree(List(Entry("z", Point(3 :: 1.7 :: HNil))))
t1: ndimrtree.RTree[String,shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Double,shapeless.HNil]]] = Leaf(Entry(z,Point(3 :: 1.7 :: HNil)))

scala> illTyped("""
     | val t1: RTree[String, Int :: Long :: HNil] = RTree(List(Entry("z", Point(3 :: 1.7 :: HNil))))
     | """)

how bout some property based tests

import NDimRTreeOps._, org.scalacheck._, Arbitrary._, Prop._, Shapeless._

import scalaz.{ Ordering => _, _ }, Scalaz._, shapeless.{ :: => :×: }

class NDimRTreeTest extends Properties("NDimRTree") {
  type V = String
  type N = Int :×: Double :×: String :×: HNil
  implicit def setEqual[T] = Equal.equalA[Set[T]]
  property("insert entry") = forAll { (r: RTree[V, N], e: Entry[V, N]) =>
    r.add(e).find(e.point) === e.some
  property("build from list of entries") = forAll { entries: List[Entry[V, N]] =>
    RTree(entries).entries.toSet === entries.toSet
  property("rtree.contains works") = forAll { (es: List[Entry[V, N]], e: Entry[V, N]) =>
    val rt = RTree(es)
    es.forall(rt.contains) && (rt.contains(e) === es.contains(e))
object nDimRTreeTest extends NDimRTreeTest {
  property(" agrees with withinBox(box, point) filtering") = forAll {
    (es: List[Entry[V, N]], p1: Point[N], p2: Point[N]) =>
    val rt = RTree(es)
    val box1 = initBox(p1, p2)
    require( === es.filter(e => withinBox(box1, e.point)).toSet)
    es.foreach { e =>
      val box2 = initBox(e.point, p2)
      require( === es.filter(e => withinBox(box2, e.point)).toSet)
scala> nDimRTreeTest.check
+ NDimRTree.insert entry: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ from list of entries: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ NDimRTree.rtree.contains works: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ agrees with withinBox(box, point) filtering: OK, p
  assed 100 tests.

initial benchmarking:

plenty of room for improvement. just a first naive pass. confident that reasonable performance is achievable.

fun things explored

  • generic programming with shapeless
  • indexes
  • R-Trees (but you already know that)

libraries utilized

  • shapeless : Generic programming for Scala
  • spire : Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala
  • scalacheck : Property-based testing for Scala
  • scalacheck-shapeless : Generation of arbitrary case classes / ADTs with scalacheck and shapeless
  • archery : 2D R-Tree implementation in Scala
    • leveraged for scalacheck tests and benchmarking
  • thyme - microbenchmark utility for Scala
  • scalaz - An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming
    • utilized mostly for type-safe equality (looking forward to spending more time with cats)
  • tut - doc/tutorial generator for scala
    • sent the code used in this presentation to scalac

future explorations

  • heterogenous distance functions
  • specialization and/or miniboxing
  • visualization with d3, perhaps leverage archery and scala-js
  • turn this exploration into a usable and efficient library
  • R-Tree variants, e.g. M-Tree, X-Tree, Hilbert R-tree
  • distributed implementation


repo : rtree-explorations

slides : Generic N-Dim R-Tree Explorations